
A versatile art and video studio with ceilings reaching up to 4 meters high, offering approximately 20 pings (approximately 660 square feet) of space. We provide themed scene decoration services and a separate dressing area. 
The studio is suitable for various multimedia applications, including private events, performances, film screenings, and photo shoots, offering both natural and controlled lighting options

Space Highlights
Themed Scenes
🎬 攝影棚租借流程

▶︎ 租借金額
◎ 平日費用:500元/小時。
◎ 假日費用:600元/小時。

▶︎ 另購服務
◎ 設置指定燈光與場景:2,000元/組
◎ 同一場景改變燈光配置:500元/組
◎ 背景紙使用:500/色

▶︎ 場地租借流程
◎ 線上信件或來店/電預約時間,有需要可以事前預約時間場勘(場勘時間以20分鐘為限)。
◎ 一次預約時間最少2小時,不足2小時以2小時計算。
◎ 確認時段能租用後您會收到訂金帳戶資訊,若同時段有其他客人詢問,我們會以先支付訂金者優先保留場地。
◎ 預付訂金(支付預約總時數金額的一半)入帳後才會幫您保留時段(若總金額不足1000元則須支付全額)。
◎ 租借當天請準時入場與工作人員交接場地,確認設備使用等無問題。(中途人員可能會離開)
◎ 租借時間結束前工作人員會跟您現金或匯款收取餘款並確認,若需要加時則要視後續時段是否有客人租用。

▶︎ 場勘注意事項
◎ 場勘需事前預約。
◎ 開放免費場勘時間為14:00-21:00,其他時段需支付場地費用。
◎ 於開放免費場勘時間入場場勘,每次以20分鐘為限,超過則加收場地使用費。
◎ 場勘期間入場請遵守場地使用規範。

▶︎ 場地使用規範
◎ 場地在5樓需爬樓梯,如有較重物品或是行動不便,請斟酌預約場地。
◎ 從4樓進入脫鞋並把鞋子帶到5樓放置。如欲穿鞋需要將鞋底徹底清潔或貼好膠帶。
◎ 廁所使用在4樓共用空間,請穿著提供的室內拖鞋到4樓使用,勿穿自己的鞋子,並保持清潔且勿大聲喧嘩。
◎ 可攜帶外食,但垃圾須自行帶離。
◎ 離場時環境須整理還原,若未整理還原,或垃圾散落未清理則須收取壹千元清潔費。
◎ 若需要工作人員處理垃圾,我們會收取三百元垃圾處理費,請將垃圾整理並包好交由工作人員處理。若無整理包好,依照規範3處理,收取壹千元清潔費。
◎ 除了場地可使用設備之外,其他物品屬場地私有物品,未經許可請勿擅自使用。
◎ 晚間7點後時段請放低音量,請勿大力踩踏地板。
◎ 場地佈置可調整或更變配置,但須結束前復原場地。
◎ 如有人為因素造成道具設備毀損須照價賠償。
◎ 場佈及還原需客人自行處理,不提供無償配置及復原動作。
◎ 不可於場內進行違反中華民國法律之行為。

▶︎ 預約/取消規範
◎ 請預先告知參加人數及使用用途。
◎ 網路及電話詢問/預約 在尚未支付訂金之前,預約都不算成立,以能先付訂金者為優先。
◎ 收到訂金後訂單即成立,並且視同同意場地公告之租借規範。
◎ 若需要取消預約請來電告知,我們會視情況退訂金給您:於預約日期30天前取消預約將退還全數預約之訂金。於預約日期14天前取消預約則退還一半預約之訂金。於預約日期7天前取消預約則退還三成預約之訂金。於預離約日期不滿7天內取消預約則退恕不退還約之訂金。或是可以選擇更改一次時間(原預約日起算限30天內)退訂程序因人員處理需要流程,通常需要1-2週才會完成訂金轉帳退還。 

▶︎ 包整天(超過12小時)租借之場佈優惠: 
◎ 包1天:給予2小時、包2天給予3小時、包3天以上可前一天營業時間至晚上12點前 。 
◎ 場佈可挑選當天早上10點後或前晚12點前 (前晚需依是否有其他客人租用請先詢問時間) 。 
◎ 若需要早上10點前及晚上12點後則需要加3000元。 

▶︎ 其他注意事項
◎ 若因不可抗力之因素造成無法前來,可以全額退回訂金或免費更改日期。但應出示相關證明,若遇颱風,則以政府公告是否停班停課為判斷基準。若是公共交通機關延誤之原因則需要官方證明。若因為公共交通機關等之特殊因素造成遲到,須出示相關證明,並在不影響下一組客人的情況下,可保留及延後部分時間,但請務必事前通知,若無事先通知則照原訂時間計費。
◎ 若需額外使用高瓦數插電設備則視情況每小時加收用電費200元。
◎ 場租時間以預約時間為準,如人員需要提前進場或離場,在前後時段無其他客人預約之情況得最長提前或延後共10分鐘做為緩衝,超過則會一小時租借費用計算(平日500元/假日600元)為單位追加場租費用。(例如預約18:00-21:00,若前後無客人,最早能17:50進場,21:00離場。或18:00進場,21:10離場,即最多提供前後加總10分鐘緩衝時間。)

▶︎ 場地主小叮嚀:
◎ 原則上場地租借是以場地租借原況為基準提供之租借,除網站公告之設備之外其他設備不提供使用,若需要使用必需能夠以完整還原為原則,若無法還原需要人員協助處理或因為自行使用造成損害需要支付相應之費用(詳見上述),若無法接受場地之規範請勿租用場地。若已事前支付訂金預訂則視同同意場地規範,事後需要退訂恕仍需以上述退訂規範處理,不便之處敬請見諒。
🎬 Photography Studio Rental Process

▶︎ Rental Rates
◎ Weekday Rate: 500 NTD per hour.
◎ Weekend Rate: 600 NTD per hour.

▶︎ Additional Services
◎ Set up specified lighting and scenes: 2,000 NTD per set.
◎Changing Lighting Setup for the Same Scene: 500 NTD per set.
◎ Background paper usage: 500 per color

▶︎ Studio Rental Process
◎ Make an online reservation via email or visit us in person/phone to inquire about availability. If needed, you can schedule a site visit in advance (site visits are limited to 20 minutes).
◎ Reservations must be for a minimum of 2 hours; any duration less than 2 hours will be billed as 2 hours.
◎ Once the availability for your chosen time slot is confirmed, you will receive account information for the deposit. In the event multiple clients inquire about the same time slot, priority will be given to the client who pays the deposit first.
◎ You are required to prepay a deposit (half of the total reserved hours' fee) to secure your time slot (if the total fee is less than 1,000 NTD, the full amount must be paid).
◎ On the rental day, please arrive on time and meet with the staff to ensure equipment usage and other details go smoothly (staff may leave during your rental).
◎ Before the rental period ends, the staff will collect the remaining payment and confirm. If you require an extension, it will depend on whether the time slot is booked by another client.

▶︎ Site Visit Guidelines
◎ Site visits require prior scheduling.
◎ Free site visits are available from 14:00 to 21:00. For visits outside these hours, additional site rental fees apply.
◎ During free site visits, the time limit is 20 minutes per visit; exceeding this limit will result in additional site usage fees.
◎ Please adhere to the studio's rules and regulations during site visits.

▶︎ Studio Usage Guidelines
◎The venue is located on the 5th floor and requires climbing stairs. If you have heavy items or mobility limitations, please consider booking the venue accordingly.
◎ Enter the studio on the 4th floor, remove your shoes, and place them on the 5th floor. If you wish to wear shoes, please ensure that the soles are thoroughly clean or use tape to cover them.
◎ Shared restroom facilities are located on the 4th floor. Please wear the provided indoor slippers when using them. Do not wear your own shoes and maintain cleanliness and a quiet atmosphere.
◎ Outside food is allowed, but please take your trash with you when you leave.
◎ When leaving, please clean and restore the environment. Failure to do so or leaving trash unattended will result in a 1,000 NTD cleaning fee.
◎ If you require staff assistance with trash disposal, a 300 NTD trash disposal fee will be charged. Please organize and pack the trash for staff handling. If the trash is not organized, a 1,000 NTD cleaning fee will apply following guideline #3.
◎ Items other than the equipment provided for studio use are considered private property and should not be used without permission.
◎ Please keep noise levels low after 7:00 PM and avoid heavy stomping on the floor.
◎ Studio arrangements can be adjusted or modified, but the studio should be restored to its original condition before departure.
◎ Any damage to props or equipment due to negligence will be subject to compensation.
◎ Clients are responsible for setting up and restoring the studio, and no free setup or restoration services are provided.
◎ Illegal activities, as per the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan), are prohibited within the studio.

▶︎ Reservation/Cancellation Policy
◎ Please inform us in advance of the number of participants and the intended use of the studio.
◎ Inquiries/reservations made online or by phone are not considered confirmed until a deposit is paid. Priority will be given to those who pay the deposit first.
◎ Once the deposit is received, the reservation is considered confirmed, and you are deemed to have agreed to the studio's rental guidelines.
◎ If you need to cancel your reservation, please notify us by phone. Refunds will be processed based on the following conditions: Cancellation 30 days before the reservation date will receive a full refund of the deposit. Cancellation 14 days before the reservation date will receive a refund of half the deposit. Cancellation 7 days before the reservation date will receive a refund of 30% of the deposit. Cancellations made less than 7 days before the reservation date will not receive a refund of the deposit. Alternatively, you can choose to reschedule once (within 30 days of the original reservation date). The refund process typically takes 1-2 weeks to complete due to administrative procedures.

▶︎ Whole-Day Rental (over 12 hours) Venue Setup:
◎ One-Day Package: Allows setup 2 hours in advance. Two-Day Package: Allows setup 3 hours in advance. Three days or more: Setup can be done on the evening before the first rental day, up until midnight.
◎ You may choose to set up either after 10:00 AM on the rental day or before midnight on the previous day (please inquire about availability for the previous night). For setup before 10:00 AM or after midnight, an additional fee of 3,000 NTD is required.

▶︎ Additional Considerations
◎ In cases of force majeure preventing attendance, a full refund of the deposit or free rescheduling is possible. However, relevant evidence should be provided. In the event of a typhoon, government announcements regarding work or school closures will be the determining factor. Official documentation is required for delays caused by public transportation agencies. In cases of late arrival due to special factors such as public transportation, relevant proof should be provided, and, if it does not affect the next client's booking, some time may be retained and postponed. However, please notify us in advance, and if no prior notice is given, charges will be calculated based on the original booking time.
◎ If additional high-wattage electrical equipment usage is required, an additional electricity fee of 200 NTD per hour may apply.
◎ Studio rental times are based on reservation times. If you need to enter or leave the studio earlier or later than your reserved time and there are no other clients scheduled before or after, you can have a buffer period of up to 10 minutes at most. Beyond that, additional hourly rental fees (weekday 500 NTD/weekend 600 NTD) will be charged per unit. For example, if you reserve from 18:00 to 21:00 and no other clients are booked, you can enter as early as 17:50 and leave by 21:00, or enter at 18:00 and leave at 21:10, allowing a maximum buffer time of 10 minutes before and after.

▶︎ Studio Reminders:
◎ Studio rentals are based on the studio's original condition and equipment usage as advertised on the website. Other equipment not listed on the website is not available for use. If you need to use any additional equipment, it should be returned to its original state. If it cannot be restored, additional charges may apply for staff assistance or any damage caused by personal use (as outlined above). If you cannot accept the studio's regulations, please do not rent the studio. If you have pre-paid a deposit for a reservation, you are considered to have agreed to the studio's regulations. For cancellations,if necessary, please follow the cancellation policy outlined above. We apologize for any inconvenience.Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional information. Thank you for considering our studio for your needs. We look forward to serving you!
Thank you! We will respond to your message as soon as possible. If you do not receive a reply within three days, please resend it.謝謝!我們會盡快回覆您訊息,如果三天內沒有回覆請再傳送一次。
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